Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Shotgun Players opens their 24th season with the Brilliant Antigonick

Antigonick: A poetic slam of 

Sophocles' Antigone

Shotgun Players opens their 24th season with poet Anne Carson translation of ANTIGONICK. Her book is in an art book form, and Directors Mark Jackson and Hope Mohr - bring this Slam to life with a moving sound design by Theodore Hulsker, and physical dance movement by Mohr.

Carson's “slam” version of the story, gets a twist in Jackson and Mohrs’  staging, which goes through a very powerful movement experience and performance. There is a shoutout to Beckett  and repeated references to Hegel, and Virginia Woolf in Carson's script early on.

The set elegantly designed by Nina Ball. Parker also the dance captain of this cast, creates an amazing movement of story and subtext to Carson's work,  he is on stage as the audience enters and for most of the play which ultimately looks like a dossier of victims in a crime drama.

Antigone played by Rami Margron, is excellent - Both actors are double cast as the blind Teiresias and Eurydike and keep the outbursts, movement and sleek shine of the play at its best.  

Nina Balls set design is sparse. The lighting by Steve Buchner uses some defined projections that are spot on - always bright and moody. Most impressive is the sound design created by Hulsker - its ominous beat plows and steampunks the event on stage. The dance explodes with emotion and passion of Mohrs choreography.
The costuming designed by Christine Crook set a disjunctive mood of Antigonick.

Shotgun players opening for their 24th season in Berkeley Ca. is a sure hit and its a must that you try to get any remaining tickets left. This play pre sold well before it even opened.

Co-Directed by Mark Jackson and Hope Mohr.
Shotgun Players Production.
March 26th  - April 19, 2015
Tickets 5.00 to 30.00
Tickets >>
Photos by Pak Han 

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